A male patient presents to the emergency department. The arterial blood gas report is as follows: pH, 7.2; pCO2, 81mm Hg; and HCO3, 40 meq/L. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A dead body is brought for evaluation. On post-mortem examination, a ligature that was completely encircling the neck, horizontal, and below the level of the thyroid was seen. There was no dribbling of saliva. What is the cause of death?
A 32-year-old patient who is a chronic alcoholic presents with oral ulcers and a burning sensation. A picture of the oral cavity is given below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Identify the given structure:
An 11-year-old child with a history of streptococcal pharyngitis presents you with fever and arthralgia. There is no past history of rheumatic heart disease or features of carditis or valvular disease. How often is 6,00,000 IU of benzathine penicillin recommended for prophylaxis of rheumatic heart disease?
A patient with diabetes mellitus for the past 5 years presents with vomiting and abdominal pain. She is non-compliant with medication and appears dehydrated. Investigations revealed a blood sugar value of 500 mg/dL and the presence of ketone bodies. What is the next best step in management?
A previously healthy child presented with acute-onset dyspnea. A chest X-ray shows unilateral hyperinflation of the lungs. What is true for this patient?
A 35-year-old female patient presents to you with fever, breathlessness, and cough with expectoration. A CT scan was done which is shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
An adult man in a restaurant suddenly begins choking on his food. He is conscious. The following procedure was performed. Identify the procedure.
Irregular pitting of nails with subungual hyperkeratosis is seen in
Identify the fluid shown below.
A 20-year-old woman presented at 7 weeks of gestation, unwilling to continue the pregnancy. What are the drugs used for medical termination of pregnancy in this patient?
The image given below shows neuromuscular monitoring of the patient after anesthesia. What is the most commonly used nerve for monitoring?
Which of the following drugs is not likely to cause a pleural pathology?
A 7-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain, vomiting, oliguria, and periorbital puffiness following chemotherapy. Investigations reveal hyperuricemia, raised creatinine levels, and hyperkalemia. What is the next best step in the management of this condition?
A diabetic patient presented with rhinitis and facial swelling. An intranasal biopsy revealed the presence of broad-based aseptate hyphae with branching at right angle. Evidence of vascular invasion was present. What will be the drug of choice for this condition?
An elderly male patient presented with a sudden onset of scrotal pain and discharge. Based on the image below, what is the likely diagnosis?
A patient undergoing chemotherapy was given an antiemetic, after which he developed symptoms like acute dystonia, bradykinesia, and tremors. Which of the following drugs would have caused these symptoms?
A patient with a pituitary tumor that overproduced growth hormone underwent surgical removal of the tumor. The resection was found to be incomplete. What is the first-line treatment for this patient?
A 40-year-old G2P1 woman with 18 weeks of amenorrhea comes with a dilated cervix. The cervical length is 15 mm. In spite of explaining the risks, she insisted on cerclage. Which of the following is a contraindication for cervical cerclage?
A patient came with complaints of hair loss. His wife mentions that she has noticed some behavioral changes. The doctor notices that there is a loss of eyebrows on the lateral side. He then comes to a conclusion by examining the nails. What is the type of poisoning in this case?
Which of the following helps in the transport of fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane?
A 45-year-old patient complained of pain in one side of the neck. She is afraid of eating food as it worsens the pain. Ultrasound imaging of the salivary glands is done and shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A patient presents with carcinoma of the prostate, which has now spread to the vertebra. What is the route of spread to the lumbar vertebra?
A 45-year-old female patient is told about the benefits and complications of hysterectomy and she agrees to the procedure. What kind of consent is this?
A patient underwent cystoscopy, which showed multiple yellow-white plaques in the trigone of the bladder. The histopathology image is given below. What is the diagnosis?
A patient is brought to the casualty following a road traffic accident. On examination, the patient is conscious, BP is 90/60 mm Hg, respiratory rate is 40 breaths per minute, and pulse rate is 120 bpm. The X-ray is shown below. What is the next best step in management?
Testosterone helps in the development of various organs in the fetus. Which of the following stimulates its production?
You are examining a multigravida in the second stage of labor for the past two hours. On examination, contractions are adequate, the cervix is dilated with the head at station O with molding 2+ and caput 2+. The sagittal suture is in the right occipitotransverse position. The fetal heart rate is 140 beats/ minute. Which of the following is carried out for the management of this patient?
Identify the cartilage given below:
A surgeon returns home from a party after many pegs of alcohol and was called to perform an emergency operation. During the operation, the assisting staff noticed the surgeon's hand shaking and instruments falling. He eventually nicks an artery and the patient collapses. Under which of the following terms will this incident be tried?
An elderly man, who is a known case of diabetic nephropathy, presented to the emergency with palpitations and chest discomfort. ECG showed tall T-waves. Laboratory investigations showed elevated potassium levels. Which of the following drugs will cause the shift of potassium back into the cell?
A 45-year-old female patient underwent thyroidectomy. Three days after the surgery, she developed perioral numbness. Which of the following investigations need to be done for her?
A patient with deep vein thrombosis was started on a new drug. After 2 days, he presented with the given finding. Which of the following drugs is implicated in causing the above condition?
In a patient, the hypothalamic thermostat was reset from point A to point C as shown below. Which of the following happens in stage X compared to stage Y?
An elderly man presents with rigidity and tremors. On examination, he has blank facial expressions. Which of the following drugs can be used to manage this condition?
A patient with a pituitary tumor that overproduced growth hormone underwent surgical removal of the tumor. The resection was found to be incomplete. What is the first-line treatment for this patient?
A male patient presents with impotence and bilateral resting pain. The following finding is seen in the legs. At which level has the pathology occurred?
A 20-year-old male patient presents with unilateral nasal obstruction and recurrent bleeding for the past 1 year. Transnasal endoscopic results are shown below. A contrast-enhanced CT revealed a mass extending from the posterior choana to the nasopharynx. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Identify the fluid shown below.
The structure marked D in the image below gives rise to which of the following structures?
A 56-year-old man was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was put on mechanical ventilation. He passed away after a week. What is the likely post-mortem change seen in the lungs?
A farmer presents to you with a cauliflower-shaped mass on the foot, which developed after a minor injury. Microscopy shows copper penny bodies. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A male patient diagnosed with tuberculosis took complete treatment. Sputum examination was done after the completion of the intensive and the continuation phases. It was found to be negative. What is the status of the patient?
A dead body is brought for evaluation. On post-mortem examination, a ligature that was completely encircling the neck, horizontal, and below the level of the thyroid was seen. There was no dribbling of saliva. What is the cause of death?
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis shows resistance to which of the following drugs?
The following is due to the deficiency of?
A male patient presents with impotence and bilateral resting pain. The following finding is seen in the legs. At which level has the pathology occurred?
Why do neoplastic cells utilize Warburg metabolism?
A female patient collapses soon after delivery. There is profuse bleeding and features of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Which of the following is the most likely etiology?
A 45-year-old female patient underwent thyroidectomy. Three days after the surgery, she developed perioral numbness. Which of the following investigations need to be done for her?
An 8-day-old newborn was found to have thyroid-stimulating hormone level of more than 100 mIU/L. Which of the following will be the next best investigation?
A female patient presents to you with six weeks of amenorrhea, associated with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding with normal blood pressure. Investigations revealed beta-hCG to be 1400 mIU/mL. An ultrasound scan was done which showed a trilaminar endometrium with normal adnexa. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
A patient presents with a firm, tender, slow-growing mass below the ear as shown in the image below. What could be the diagnosis?
An elderly woman received a botox injection for the treatment of wrinkles. Which of the following is the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin?
A 45-year-old female patient underwent thyroidectomy. Three days after the surgery, she developed perioral numbness. Which of the following investigations need to be done for her?
A male patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was prescribed theophylline. He noticed that his urine output had increased the following day. This action of the drug is mediated through which of the following receptors?
Many children from a particular community coming to a hospital were detected to have acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). It was assumed that it is due to the presence of cytotoxic waste in the water of that community. If a case-control study has to be done to find whether the chemical and ALL are associated, what will be taken as the control?
A female patient presented with fatigue. Routine complete blood count analysis showed hemoglobin of 9 g/dL, MCV 60fL, and RBC count of 5.2 million. A peripheral smear showed microcytic hypochromic anemia. Which of the following is the next best investigation for this patient?
A 25-year-old patient is undergoing tooth extraction for dental caries. Which of the following does not require prophylaxis against infective endocarditis?
A patient presents with a tender pulsatile mass as shown in the image below. What will be done next for this patient?
A 56-year-old man presents with fatigue, pallor, and abdominal pain. He reports memory loss and reveals that he works at a battery recycling plant. On examination, a noticeable foot drop in both lower extremities is seen. Laboratory testing shows elevated blood lead levels. Which enzyme is affected in the given scenario?
Which of the following mechanisms is seen in the baroreceptor reflex?
A 59-year-old lady presents with a progressive painless lump in the breast. What is the cause for the following skin change?
A patient presents with an anesthetic patch in the areas on the face as shown in the image below. Which of the following nerves is the most commonly involved in this condition?
A primigravida at 22 weeks of gestation presents to you with profuse vaginal bleeding. Her blood pressure and glucose levels are within normal limits. Placental implantation at which of the following sites can cause this?
A single mutation in a nucleotide base pair resulting in a termination codon is known as?
A patient was bought to the emergency with a history of consumption of 8 tablets of digoxin. On examination, he was unstable and his heart rate was 56 bpm. ECG showed a 3rd-degree heart block. What is the next step in the management of this patient?
A 24-year-old lactating female with an 18-month-old child comes with a history of irregular, heavy bleeding seeking contraceptive advice. Which is the contraceptive of choice?
A 35-year-old woman presents to you with hair loss for the past three months. She tested positive for COVID-19 eight months ago. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 56-year-old man presents with dragging pain in the abdomen. On examination, there is massive splenomegaly. Peripheral smear shows leukocytosis with increased myelocytes, metamyelocytes and basophils. Which of the following translocation is seen in this condition?
A 32-year-old patient who is a chronic alcoholic presents with oral ulcers and a burning sensation. A picture of the oral cavity is given below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A middle-aged male patient presents with protrusion of the chin, excessive sweating, impaired glucose tolerance, and enlargement of hands and feet. Which of the following is a growth hormone receptor antagonist used to treat this condition?
Which of the following is most likely to be seen due to rupture of a saccular aneurysm?
Which of the following drugs is not likely to cause a pleural pathology?
A male patient presented with a 0.3-cm nodule on the left nasolabial fold. It was excised and a pathological examination was done. The image is given below. What is the diagnosis?
What is the indication of this procedure?
A middle-aged male patient presents with protrusion of the chin, excessive sweating, impaired glucose tolerance, and enlargement of hands and feet. Which of the following is a growth hormone receptor antagonist used to treat this condition?
A 59-year-old lady presents with a progressive painless lump in the breast. What is the cause for the following skin change?
A patient on anti-depressants presented to you with hypotension. An ECG was done, which showed wide QRS complexes and right axis deviation. How will you manage this patient?
A woman at 26 weeks of gestation presents for routine evaluation. On examination, fundal height corresponds to 24 weeks. Ultrasonography revealed decreased amniotic fluid. Which of the following conditions would have led to this presentation?
A hypertensive patient who is non-compliant with medication presents to you with sudden onset breathlessness. A chest X-ray was done, which is shown below. How will you manage this patient?
Identify the type of hymen shown in the image.
A male patient presented with a 0.3-cm nodule on the left nasolabial fold. It was excised and a pathological examination was done. The image is given below. What is the diagnosis?
A type 1 diabetic mother is on magnesium sulfate infusion post-cesarean section for preeclampsia. She develops delirium and is drowsy. She has a respiratory rate of 10/min, random blood glucose level of 240 mg/dL, oliguria, and bilaterally absent knee reflex. What is the cause of her condition?
The most common site of an intra-abdominal abscess.
- Left Subphrenic Space
- Left Subhepatic Space
- Right Subphrenic Space
- Right Subhepatic Space
Deselect Answer
A surgeon returns home from a party after many pegs of alcohol and was called to perform an emergency operation. During the operation, the assisting staff noticed the surgeon's hand shaking and instruments falling. He eventually nicks an artery and the patient collapses. Under which of the following terms will this incident be tried?
A delayed intravenous urogram of a patient is given below. What is the likely diagnosis?
A male patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was prescribed theophylline. He noticed that his urine output had increased the following day. This action of the drug is mediated through which of the following receptors?
A patient from a Mediterranean country visits Africa, where he develops malaria. He is treated with primaquine and later develops hemolytic anemia. Deficiency of an enzyme involved in which of the following pathways could be the cause?
A patient is brought to the casualty following a road traffic accident. On examination, the patient is conscious, BP is 90/60 mm Hg, respiratory rate is 40 breaths per minute, and pulse rate is 120 bpm. The X-ray is shown below. What is the next best step in management?
A 45-year-old female patient is told about the benefits and complications of hysterectomy and she agrees to the procedure. What kind of consent is this?
The electron transport chain is a series of redox reactions that result in ATP synthesis. Which of the following is a cytochrome complex IV inhibitor?
An auxiliary nurse midwife has to conduct a vaccination camp in a village. She received 2 open vials, one of which is a pentavalent vaccine and the other is an MR vaccine. What can she do regarding the utilization of these vials?
Which of the following steps is not included in STEP approach of WHO?
A 6-year-old boy came with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections. Imaging was done and is shown below. What is the diagnosis?
A person after sleeping overnight with the arm under his head now experiences paresis but no numbness in the morning. Which of the following is the best explanation for it?
Which of the following is a PCSK9 inhibitor?
A male child presented with arthralgia and abdominal pain. On examination, there was palpable purpura over the lower limbs. There is past history of upper respiratory tract infection prior to the onset of presenting symptoms. Which of the following is the treatment for this condition?
A tuberculosis patient on anti-tubercular treatment presents with a tingling sensation and paresthesia in the lower limbs. He is not a diabetic and occasionally consumes alcohol. Which of the following vitamins must be supplemented to this patient?
A patient presents with sudden-onset right leg pain. An investigation was done, and the obtained image is shown below. What is the investigation?
Which of the following is a PCSK9 inhibitor?
Calculate the percentage of burns in a preschool child with the right arm, chest, abdomen, and thighs are involved in burns
A woman with an obstetric score of G2P1 comes to the clinic at 14 weeks of gestation for her antenatal checkup. A uterine artery doppler was suggested by the doctor. What would it detect?
Which of the following agency provides seed and manure in applied nutrition programs in schools?
A pregnant lady with 34 weeks of amenorrhea has the following findings: LDH - 700 IU/L, platelets - 75,000/mm3, serum bilirubin - 1.5 mg/dL, SGOT - 200 U/L, SGPT - 150 U/L, and BP - 140/96 mm Hg. Her coagulation profile and renal function tests are normal. What is the diagnosis?
- LDH-Lactate dehydrogenase
- SGOT - Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase/AST - Aspartate transaminase
- SGPT-Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase/ALT - Alanine transaminase
Deselect Answer
A woman presents to you with fever, arthralgia, ulcers, fatigue for the past six months, and new-onset hematuria. Urine examination reveals RBC casts and proteinuria. What is the likely diagnosis?
A child presents to the emergency department with a history of ingestion of 10-20 ferrous sulfate tablets. Arterial blood gas revealed acidosis. Which of the following can be used in the management of this condition?
A patient with deep vein thrombosis was started on a new drug. After 2 days, he presented with the given finding. Which of the following drugs is implicated in causing the above condition?
Which of the following statements is true regarding the given cystometrogram?
A patient presents with a history of penetrating injury to the eye. A diagnosis of sympathetic ophthalmitis was confirmed. Which of the following will be seen?
DNA packing is done by which of the following?
A pregnant patient, with a history of classical cesarean section in view of fetal growth retardation in the previous pregnancy, presents to you. She is currently at 35 weeks of gestation with breech presentation. What is the next step in management?
An elderly male patient presented with a sudden onset of scrotal pain and discharge. Based on the image below, what is the likely diagnosis?
A woman presenting with symptoms of urinary tract infection was prescribed a drug that causes tendon rupture and arthropathy. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?
A 10-year-old presents with edema and anasarca. A diagnosis of minimal change disease is made. Which of the following is true about this condition?
During the court proceedings, the defense lawyer asks a leading question, which the prosecutor appeals against. The judge grants the appeal. Leading questions are not allowed in all of the following except?
According to triage, which of the following categories of patients comes under green?
A primigravida presents to the labor room at 40 weeks of gestation with lower abdominal pain. She has been in labor for 3 hours. Which of the following will determine if she is in active labor?
A pregnant woman with no other comorbid conditions develops preeclampsia. She enquires about the cause of her condition. The doctor explains that it is due to the failure of the invasion of:
The image below shows a pressure sore. Which stage does this belong to ?
A 35-year-old woman is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. What associated complication is shown in the image?
A primigravida woman at 12 weeks of gestation comes to the antenatal clinic for nutritional advice. Which of the following will you recommend?
Which of the following measures are associated with an increased life span?
A patient presents with acute-onset, severe abdominal pain. He is hemodynamically stable. A chest x-ray is shown below. What is the next step in management?
A 1-day-old neonate has not passed urine since birth. What is the next step in management?
A patient presents to you with multiple anogenital warts. The biopsy of these lesions showed squamous atypia. Which of the following human papillomavirus types are considered high-risk?
The image below shows a pressure sore. Which stage does this belong to ?
During the court proceedings, the defense lawyer asks a leading question, which the prosecutor appeals against. The judge grants the appeal. Leading questions are not allowed in all of the following except?
An elderly man presents with rigidity and tremors. On examination, he has blank facial expressions. Which of the following drugs can be used to manage this condition?
A tuberculosis patient on anti-tubercular treatment presents with a tingling sensation and paresthesia in the lower limbs. He is not a diabetic and occasionally consumes alcohol. Which of the following vitamins must be supplemented to this patient?
A patient presents to the emergency department with a history of ingestion of ten tablets of paracetamol. He has developed oliguria and liver function tests show deranged values. Which of the following can be used in the management of this condition?
Choose the correct statement regarding the telomerase theory of aging.
A 10-month-old infant was brought with complaints of jerking movement of limbs towards the body. On examination, there is a regression of developmental milestones. Electroencephalogram shows hypsarrythmia. Which of the following is the drug of choice in this condition?
You are working in a primary health center (PHC) situated in a high seismic zone. Which of the following will you do as part of preparedness for an emergency?
Disaster preparedness by making sure all financial and other resources are availableÂ
Increase public awareness through campaigns and loudspeakers
Conduct a simulation for the disaster and assess the responseÂ
Follow instructions given over the phone or radio by higher officials
Deselect Answer
How is a broken vaccine vial disposed, according to biomedical waste management?
A 5-year-old child presents with reduced hearing for the past 2-3 months. The otoscopy finding is given below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A diabetic patient presents to you with visual acuity of 6/9 in one eye. Further investigations revealed pre-retinal hemorrhages with neovascularization at the optic disc. What is the next step in management?
A patient presented with blunt trauma to the abdomen. On evaluation, liver injury was noted for which primary repair was done. Coagulation function was monitored intraoperatively, using the method shown below. What is the method used?
A 3-year-old boy presents with mental retardation and an inability to walk. The funduscopy image is given below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Identify the mask in the image used for patients with COVID-19 infection.
A child presents to you with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and bony pain. On examination, hepatosplenomegaly was noticed. If light microscopy of bone marrow aspirate reveals "crumpled tissue paper" appearance, what is the enzyme defect?
A diabetic patient presented with rhinitis and facial swelling. An intranasal biopsy revealed the presence of broad-based aseptate hyphae with branching at right angle. Evidence of vascular invasion was present. What will be the drug of choice for this condition?
The image below depicts which of the following types of cell-to-cell signaling?
A 70-year-old male patient presents with decreased hearing in higher frequencies. It was noted that the basilar membrane was affected. Which of the following structures lie near the affected structure?
A man came with complaints of recurrent discharge and pain due to lesions around the anus for 3 years. What is the diagnosis?
Identify the imaging modality given below.
A child had a history of stab injury on the anterior abdominal wall and the image is shown below. The child is hemodynamically stable. Which will be the next course of treatment?
A 25-year-old male patient is evaluated for primary infertility. Semen analysis shows azoospermia. A testicular biopsy is done and the image is shown below. The shown finding is consistent with
The average life expectancy for a woman in Japan is 87 years. Due to recent advances in testing for cervical cancer, there is an increase in life expectancy by 15 years. The healthcare utility value is 0.8. Which of the following can be calculated from the parameters given?
A patient underwent surgery for the varicose vein. He now complains of sensory loss over the medial aspect of the leg and foot. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be injured?
All of the following statements are true regarding neutrophil extracellular trapping (NET) except that
A woman presenting with symptoms of urinary tract infection was prescribed a drug that causes tendon rupture and arthropathy. What is the mechanism of action of the drug?
An elderly woman received a botox injection for the treatment of wrinkles. Which of the following is the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin?
A child had a history of stab injury on the anterior abdominal wall and the image is shown below. The child is hemodynamically stable. Which will be the next course of treatment?
Which of the following disorders follows autosomal recessive inheritance pattern?
A farmer presents to you with a swelling on the foot and multiple discharging sinuses in the lower limb. Granules from the discharge were examined under the microscope, which is shown below. Which of the following is true regarding this condition?
A female patient presents to you with a unilateral headache. It is associated with nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia. What is the drug of choice for acute management?
In an urban area in the state of Madhya Pradesh, a primigravida goes for institutional delivery after being motivated by an ASHA worker. What are the benefits they will receive (in terms of money in rupees) under the Janani Suraksha Yojana? ASHA- Accredited social health activist
A patient presents with carcinoma of the prostate, which has now spread to the vertebra. What is the route of spread to the lumbar vertebra?
A patient undergoing chemotherapy was given an antiemetic, after which he developed symptoms like acute dystonia, bradykinesia, and tremors. Which of the following drugs would have caused these symptoms?
Which of the following enzyme activities can be estimated in red blood cells to diagnose vitamin B2 deficiency?
A 20-year-old woman is evaluated for primary infertility. Hysterosalpingography was done and reveals the finding shown below. What is the anomaly seen in the image?
A 65-year-old man suffered from a stroke 2 days ago. He now presents with involuntary, violent, and flinging movements of the limbs on one side. What is the likely site of lesion in this patient?
Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for the insertion of the device shown in the image below?
A patient diagnosed to be retro-positive was started on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Which of the following can be used to monitor treatment efficacy?
Identify the gun that caused the wound and the range of the shot.
A 45-year-old patient complained of pain in one side of the neck. She is afraid of eating food as it worsens the pain. Ultrasound imaging of the salivary glands is done and shown below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A patient presents with a unilateral throbbing headache, photophobia, and excessive lacrimation. He also complains of hemifacial pain on clenching of teeth. On examination, pupillary reaction, light reflex, and accommodation reflex are normal. Which of the following marked nerves is involved in the above scenario?
A young patient started to take a weight loss medication that acts by inhibiting fat absorption from food. After a few weeks, she developed easy bruising and increased menstrual bleeding. Deficiency of which of the following vitamins is responsible for her condition?
A primigravida presents to the emergency room in the early stage of labor with adequate uterine contractions. On per vaginal examination, a gynecoid pelvis is felt, the membranes are ruptured, and the vertex is felt in the right occipito-posterior position. How will you manage this patient?
While discharging a patient who underwent a vesicovaginal fistula repair, which of the following would you recommend?
A patient presented with blunt trauma to the abdomen. On evaluation, liver injury was noted for which primary repair was done. Coagulation function was monitored intraoperatively, using the method shown below. What is the method used?
Identify the type of wound from the image.
A patient presents with sudden-onset right leg pain. An investigation was done, and the obtained image is shown below. What is the investigation?
Although many animals are implicated in the spread of rabies, dogs are the most common ones. Also, it usually affects children in developing countries. Knowing this, what is the most cost-effective and logical way to reduce the incidence of rabies?
A patient presents with a tender pulsatile mass as shown in the image below. What will be done next for this patient?
A 40-year-old man who is a known case of hypertension presented with multiple episodes of hematuria and loin pain. His elder brother passed away due to stroke at the age of 40. The ultrasound abdomen is shown below. What is the probable diagnosis?
A patient presents with the complaint of inability to close the eye, drooling of saliva, and deviation of the angle of the mouth. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be affected?
A child presents with recurrent chest infections and abdominal pain. There is a history of 1 blood transfusion in the past. On examination, he had icterus and mild splenomegaly. Electrophoresis shows increased HbA2, HbF, and S spike. What is the likely diagnosis?
What will be the level of the uterus on the second-day post delivery?
Which of the following is most likely to be seen due to rupture of a saccular aneurysm?
An elderly patient presents with anemia and hemoglobinuria. Investigations reveal increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The peripheral smear image is given below. Which of the following physical examination findings can support the likely diagnosis?
An adolescent male patient presents to you with exercise intolerance. He gives a history of developing cramps on exertion. Which of the following enzyme deficiencies could be the cause?
A patient came with complaints of hair loss. His wife mentions that she has noticed some behavioral changes. The doctor notices that there is a loss of eyebrows on the lateral side. He then comes to a conclusion by examining the nails. What is the type of poisoning in this case?
A female patient with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 presents to you with a lesion on the neck as shown below. Which of the following condition is she most likely to be suffering from?
A 6-year-old boy came with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections. Imaging was done and is shown below. What is the diagnosis?
Which of the following is not seen in MEN 2B syndrome?
A young patient started to take a weight loss medication that acts by inhibiting fat absorption from food. After a few weeks, she developed easy bruising and increased menstrual bleeding. Deficiency of which of the following vitamins is responsible for her condition?
While conducting a delivery, you perform the maneuver shown below. Following this, there is incomplete separation of the placenta and massive hemorrhage. What is your next step in management?
Identify the Green-colored area shown in the image below.
A 45-year-old female patient underwent thyroidectomy. Three days after the surgery, she developed perioral numbness. Which of the following investigations need to be done for her?
A patient presents to you with fever, jaundice, and malaise. What is the most likely diagnosis based on the serology reports given below?
- Anti-HBc (IgM): Positive
- HBsAg: Positive
- Anti-HBs: Negative
- Anti-HCV antibodies: Negative
Deselect Answer
A post-COVID patient, who is a known diabetic, develops unilateral facial pain and loosening of teeth. Which investigation would you do to confirm the diagnosis on this patient?
A male patient presented with a midline neck swelling. He later developed cervical node enlargement. The histopathology of the lesion is shown below. Which of the following statements is false about this condition?
Identify the type of wound from the image.
The most common site of an intra-abdominal abscess.
- Left Subphrenic Space
- Left Subhepatic Space
- Right Subphrenic Space
- Right Subhepatic Space
Deselect Answer
Which of the following children are considered at-risk babies?
- Baby with a birth weight of 2.5 kgÂ
- Baby on artificial feeds
- Baby of working mother/single parent
- Baby with weight <85% of expected weight
- Birth order of 3 or more
Deselect Answer
A patient comes with a history of asthma and sinusitis. On looking into his medical records, you notice this has been attributed to Samter's triad. Which drug should be avoided in this patient?
Identify the structure given in the image.
A baby presented with abdominal pain. On examination, a mass is palpated in the right lumbar region. A barium enema is done, and the image is given below. What is the likely diagnosis?
Laboratory investigations of a patient being evaluated for jaundice show elevated bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels. Levels of the remaining liver enzymes are normal. What is the likely diagnosis?
A cohort study was conducted with drinkers and non-drinkers of green tea to study its effect on diabetes mellitus. The risk ratio was found to be 0.84. Which of the following statements is correct?
Calculate the percentage of burns in a preschool child with the right arm, chest, abdomen, and thighs are involved in burns
Which statement refers best to the criteria for starting an urban community health center?
Identify the imaging modality given below.
Identify the gun that caused the wound and the range of the shot.
A 56-year-old man presents with fatigue, pallor, and abdominal pain. He reports memory loss and reveals that he works at a battery recycling plant. On examination, a noticeable foot drop in both lower extremities is seen. Laboratory testing shows elevated blood lead levels. Which enzyme is affected in the given scenario?
A patient was bought to the emergency with a history of consumption of 8 tablets of digoxin. On examination, he was unstable and his heart rate was 56 bpm. ECG showed a 3rd-degree heart block. What is the next step in the management of this patient?
An elderly man, who is a known case of diabetic nephropathy, presented to the emergency with palpitations and chest discomfort. ECG showed tall T-waves. Laboratory investigations showed elevated potassium levels. Which of the following drugs will cause the shift of potassium back into the cell?