Anesthesiology PYQ 2017 AIIMS 2017 Solve Anesthesiology AIIMS 2017 Total Questions: 7 1. The time required for preoxygenation before tracheal intubation? 5 min 5-7 min 3 min 1 min None 2. Nerve fibre least susceptible to local anesthetic is: A-gamma A-delta A-beta C None 3. A 40-year-old female with burns over her abdomen, both limbs, and back presented after 8 hours. Which of the following is the formula for the calculation of fluid infusion? 4 ml/kg X %TSBA for first 8 hours then 2 ml/kg X %TBSA for next 16 hours 4 ml/kg X%TSBA for the next 16 hours 2 ml/kg X %TBSA for the next 16 hours 5 ml/kg X %TSBA for the next 16 hours None 4. Which of the following can be used as an intravenous induction agent? Dexmedetomidine Bupivacaine Lorazepam Neostigmine None 5. A 35-year-old woman was brought to the casualty ward with a history of road traffic accident (RTA) and head trauma. Her eye opens to pain, moans, can localize limb towards the pain stimulus on the left hand and away from the pain stimulus on the right hand and both the legs in extended posture. Calculate her GCS. 3 7 9 11 None 6. A patient who was on ventilator and being ventilated for past few days suddenly pulls out of the endotracheal tube. What is the next step of management? Oxygenate and reintubate Start CPR Watch for spontaneous breaths and reintubate if needed Re intubate None 7. Which of the following is the correct sequence? Check carotid pulse, Start CPR, Call for help and activate ERS, Defibrillate Assess the patient's response, Activate ERS, check carotid pulse, Start CPR Start CPR, Activate ERS, Defibrillate, Check pulse Defibrillate, Assess response, Check carotid pulse, Maintain airway None 1 out of 7 Time's up