biochemistry 2023 Show session ID Load QuizSave Quiz Solve Biochemistry FMGE 2023 Questions: 12 1. Which enzyme is deficient in Von Gierke’s disease? a. Glucose- 6- phosphatase B.branching enzyme branching enzyme d.myophosphorylase None 2. Melanin is derived from which Amino acid ? a. Tyrosine b. Guanine c. Lysine d. Tryptophan None 3. A patient suffering from sickle cell anemia, what is the mutation responsible for this to occur? a. Glutamate is replaced by valine at 9th posiiton b. Valine is replaced by glutamate at 6th position c. Glutamate is replaced by valine at 6th position d. Valine is replaced by glutamate at 9th position None 4. Which of the following pathways only occurs in cytosol? a. Beta oxidation of fatty acids b. TCA Cycle c. DNA Synthesis d. Glycolysis None 5. A diabetes mellitus patient presents with development of catarcat , what is the substance will be deposited in this case a. Sorbital and fructose b.galactol c.glucose d.fructose None 6. Nitic oxide is formed from which Amino acid ? a.Arginine b.alanine c.Tyrosine d Lysine None 7. beri beri is seen in all of the following patients except ? a.alcoholics b.vegetraians None 8. Although Apo B 48 and Apo B 100 are derived from same gene but are finally translated into separate proteins. This is mainly due to ? A. DNA gene mutation in intestines B. point mutation in liver C. DNA gene splicing D. RNA editing None 9. When we take food which are rich in amino acid rich food with less carbohydrate but still insulin cant cause hypoglycemia , what is the possible mechanism for the following ? A B C D None 10. A Covid patient was recovering at home after he was discharged from hospital. In order to join back his duties, he himself started taking excessive multivitamin supplements and he developed symptoms of nerve sensations, tingling sensations. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the associated symptoms seen in this patient? Vitamin D excess Vitamin B12 excess Vitamin B6 excess riboflovinosis None 11. Which of the following enzyme simultaneously incorporates molecular oxygen ? A. Catalase B. Cytochrome C oxidase . C. Acetyl CoA carboxylase D. super oxide dismutase None 12. To enter the cytochrome P450 complex , it uses which of the following compounds? A. NAD B. NADPH C. FAD D. ATP None 1 out of 12 You’ve already answered some of the questions! Would you like to continue with quiz or restart it from beginning? Time's up